Unique Tribal Wedding Tradition in Jharkhand: Bride Brings the Dowry and Leads the Baraat

In a fascinating twist on traditional Indian weddings, the tribal community of the ‘Ho’ people in Jharkhand follows an unconventional practice where the bride not only brings the dowry but also leads the baraat. Unlike the typical custom where the groom’s family brings the dowry and the bride is escorted to the groom’s home, in this tribal culture, the bride’s family is not required to provide dowry. Instead, the groom’s family is obligated to give the bride’s family a pair of oxen, cows, and a sum of money in a custom known as ‘Gonong’.
After the wedding ceremony, the baraat returns to the groom’s village, but the bride stays with her husband at his home. This unique tradition reflects the community’s belief that women should be revered and treated with more respect than men. According to tribal member Hira, the ancestors of the Ho people believed that women are life-givers and should be worshipped as divine beings, symbolizing their importance in society.
This centuries-old practice not only highlights the high regard in which women are held in this community but also serves as a powerful statement of female empowerment. The Ho tribe continues to uphold these traditions, setting them apart from more widespread customs in India.