Stray Dogs Overrun Quetta, Making It Difficult for Children to Go to School

Quetta: Stray dogs have become a serious issue in various areas of Quetta, making it challenging for children to attend school in the mornings and for residents to venture out in the streets at night. The city is witnessing an alarming rise in dog bite incidents, leading to fear and anxiety among the public.
Areas such as Saryab, Nawakali, Sadzai Road, Brewery, Arbab Karam Khan Road, Jinnah Town, and Bank Colony are particularly affected by the growing presence of stray dogs. During the day, these dogs pose a threat to children walking to school, while at night, they form packs that attack pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists.
Local hospitals have reported an increase in the number of people being treated for dog bites, further heightening public concern. The growing menace of stray dogs has led to a rising demand for action from authorities to control the situation and ensure the safety of citizens.