Sore Throat, and Home Remedies to Relieve the Pain

The cold season brings with it common ailments such as sore throats and inflammation. Sore throats can be extremely painful and make eating, drinking, and even talking difficult for some individuals. However, the good news is that there are several home remedies that can help alleviate the discomfort caused by sore throats. Doctors have also acknowledged these methods as effective in reducing the severity of the symptoms.
Though these remedies do not provide instant relief from the illness, they certainly help in reducing the pain. If the sore throat persists for a prolonged period, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
Here are some effective methods to ease a sore throat:
1. **Honey for Relief**
Honey is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and is used as a medicinal remedy in some countries, such as Croatia. In many cases, inflammation is the cause of a sore throat. This occurs when the body tries to fight off an infection in the throat and triggers inflammation, leading to discomfort and swelling. Using honey can help reduce the pain and inflammation in the throat.
2. **Herbal Tea**
Drinking green tea, lemon tea, or tea with turmeric can help manage a sore throat. Adding honey to the tea doubles its effectiveness in treating a sore throat. The warmth from the tea also helps reduce the intensity of the discomfort.
3. **Cold Items**
Some people find relief from sore throats by consuming cold foods or drinks. Ice cream, for example, may help soothe the throat, although if it causes an increase in discomfort after consumption, it should not be used again.
4. **Saltwater Gargle**
Gargling with saltwater can also provide relief from a sore throat. Experts suggest mixing a small amount of salt and baking soda in a cup of warm water. Gargling with this mixture 3 to 4 times a day can help alleviate the symptoms.
5. **Mint**
Mint is known for its anti-inflammatory effects and can help reduce sore throat symptoms. You can consume mint in your meals or drink mint tea for relief.
6. **Garlic**
Garlic contains antibiotic properties that help combat infections. To soothe a sore throat, you can chew on a piece of garlic for 15 minutes or suck on a piece, then discard it. If raw garlic is too strong to chew, you can add honey to it for better taste and effect.
These simple, natural remedies can help reduce the pain and discomfort of a sore throat, but remember to see a healthcare professional if symptoms persist.