Pakistan Achieves Triple-C Rating Upgrade, Recognized Globally for Sound Economic Policies

Islamabad: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has welcomed the decision by international credit rating agency Fitch to upgrade Pakistan’s rating to Triple-C Plus, hailing it as a global recognition of the country’s sound economic policies.
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, in his statement to the media, praised the efforts and diligence of Finance Minister Mohammad Orangzeb and the fiscal team, attributing today’s economic improvement to the sacrifices made for the state’s welfare. He emphasized that Pakistan’s attainment of Triple-C Plus rating signifies a validated global acknowledgment of its economic policy.
Further stating their commitment to the agenda of economic reforms, the Prime Minister highlighted ongoing efforts around the clock, promising that the benefits will reach the public. He underscored the significance of reports from Fitch and other global financial institutions in advancing Pakistan’s economic progress, urging continued hard work and dedication on this path.
Shehbaz Sharif expressed optimism that Pakistan’s economic betterment and activities will see further enhancement through the IMF’s new programs. Regarding monetary policy, he announced a further reduction of one percent in the interest rate by the State Bank, viewing it as another glimpse of economic improvement. He anticipated that this reduction will lead to further decreases in inflation and increased business activities.