Lahore:Famous Japanese adult film actress, Kai Asakura, recently visited Lahore, Pakistan, and shared her experience on social media, which quickly went viral. The actress posted several photos and videos on Instagram, showcasing her visit to some of Lahore’s historical landmarks, including the iconic Badshahi Mosque and other cultural sites.
In the photos, Asakura is seen wearing a black abaya and full hijab as she explores the city. She captioned one of the posts, “Beautiful days do not come to you, you have to walk towards them,” prompting curiosity among her followers.
The images of the actress wearing a hijab fueled speculations on social media, with rumors circulating that Kai Asakura might be considering converting to Islam. Many Pakistani social media users also inquired about the purpose of her visit to Lahore, questioning what she was doing in the city.
Kai Asakura has worked in numerous action films and web series, with most of her work gaining popularity in countries like Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and Singapore. Her recent visit to Pakistan has certainly sparked widespread attention and curiosity among fans and social media users alike.