
Former Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani Undergoes Successful Leg Surgery in the US

Boston: Former Senate Chairman and Member of the Balochistan Assembly, Sadiq Sanjrani, has successfully undergone surgery in the United States to remove a blood clot from a major vein in his leg.
According to Express News, Sadiq Sanjrani is currently receiving treatment in the US, where the surgery took place in Boston. Pakistani doctors performed the procedure to remove the blood clot that had been diagnosed in the major vein of his leg.
The blood clot had been detected in 2018, and Sanjrani had been experiencing significant pain in his leg. However, following the successful surgery, he is expected to be relieved of this chronic discomfort.
Sadiq Sanjrani expressed his gratitude to well-wishers for their kind messages and support during his recovery process.

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