
Clash Between Smugglers and Customs Officials Disrupts Travel on Hub-Shahrah-e-Faisal Road

Hub:A dispute between smugglers and owners of coaches led to protests at Hub Bawani’s location. Following unsuccessful negotiations with police authorities, law enforcement resorted to baton charges to clear traffic jams caused by demonstrators. In response, protesters pelted police vehicles with stones, escalating the situation into a battlefield on the road.

Numerous casualties were reported from both law enforcement and demonstrators due to the exchange of stones and baton charges. Despite police dispersing the protesters to restore traffic flow, the road remained congested late into the night due to long lines of vehicles.

The altercation centered around a visible conflict between smugglers and customs checkpoint officials near Gadani Cross. An illegal customs check post, allegedly involved in smuggling goods from Quetta to Karachi, was at the heart of the dispute. Last night, workers from the Al-Mahmood coach blocked the road near Bawani, disrupting traffic on the Hub-Shahrah-e-Faisal road.

This incident has caused severe headaches for ordinary travelers commuting between Quetta and Karachi, with roadblocks disrupting traffic movement. Reports suggest that the dispute primarily revolves around blatant smuggling and illegal transportation of goods, predominantly via customs and other checkpoints, sparking tensions between coach owners and road-blocking measures.

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