Business Community Demands Immediate Reassessment of IPPs Agreements and Electricity Tariffs in Quetta

Quetta:The Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Quetta, Balochistanβs President Hajji Abdullah Achakzai, Senior Vice President Hajji Agha Gul Khelji, and Vice President Syed Abdul Ahad Agha have demanded the cancellation of agreements with Independent Power Producers (IPPs) and a reassessment of electricity tariffs, which they deem detrimental to the industrial sector.
During discussions with various delegations from the business community at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Quetta yesterday, it was stated that agreements with IPPs and inclusion of various charges in electricity bills are posing economic hardships not only to industrialists nationwide but have also triggered the closure of industries.
They emphasized that both the country and provinceβs industrialists are vehemently protesting, stating that around 40 families are IPP beneficiaries, sucking the blood of 24 crore people. They recalled that last year IPPs were paid billions without purchasing electricity, and highlighted that the transmission lines in Balochistan cannot endure heavy production.
They lamented that IPPs were imposed without deliberation and attention to the condition of transmission lines, a situation also observed in other units of the country, causing IPPs to receive billions of rupees in excess payments. They demanded an audit through an impartial auditor, as well as provincial representation in the Nepra Authority by representatives of major commercial, residential, and industrial electricity consumers to participate in decision-making concerning electricity tariffs and related matters.
They also demanded the immediate annulment of IPP agreements and a review of electricity tariffs, expressing concern that stakeholders lose confidence and consumers experience distrust and anxiety without decisions.