Baloch Unity Committee’s Rally Draws Thousands in Turbat Amidst Ongoing Movement

Quetta:In Turbat, the Baloch Unity Committee’s rally for the Baloch Rajgi March attracted thousands of participants, both men and women. Attendees gathered in large numbers around the Kech Tower and other surrounding buildings.
The rally featured prominent speakers including Dr. Mah Rang, Sami Din, Mohammad Sibghatullah Shah Ji, and Dr. Sabihah, among others. Sibghatullah Shah Ji addressed the crowd, condemning the series of injustices that began on July 27. He detailed the recent violence that resulted in the martyrdom of three comrades and numerous injuries. Shah Ji highlighted that the movement, which started after the extrajudicial killing of Baloch, has now evolved into a well-organized campaign.
The event underscored the ongoing struggle and mobilization within the Baloch community, emphasizing their continued resistance and call for justice.