Actress Nadia Hussain Records Statement at FIA Cyber Crime Office

Actress Nadia Hussain recently appeared at the Federal Investigation Agency’s (FIA) Cyber Crime Karachi office to record her statement regarding a fraud call she had received.
The renowned actress and model had been summoned by FIA’s Cyber Crime Wing after the fraud call incident. Nadia Hussain provided a detailed statement to the investigators and expressed her apologies for any confusion.
She clarified that she had filed an online complaint regarding the fraud call, but was unaware that she would also need to appear in person. Despite this, she cooperated and submitted her statement.
Nadia further stated that the FIA officials had seized her mobile phone for forensic examination, and she had no objections to this action.
In a conversation with the media, Nadia Hussain apologized if her video message caused any inconvenience or discomfort to any FIA officer.
It is worth noting that a few days ago, Nadia Hussain had linked the fake WhatsApp call to an FIA officer after her husband’s arrest, making accusations against them.